This year has had a bunch of ups and downs. Times of stress and frustration along with times of joy and enthusiasm. Luckily, I think the latter wins out. It was a good year overall.

This year I managed to accomplish a lot. The Spellbound Murder Trilogy was released. All books, 1-3, are out in the world. I have the box set for the trilogy coming out next week, which is also exciting. The AIR series is still going strong. I’m almost 3/4 of the way through the first rough draft and I hope to have the book available by the end of April!

Next year I have lots of plans, but I’ve been procrastinating into turning them into goals. AIR Book 5 will come out. I have a really fun AIR 5.5 planned and I can’t wait to write it. I’m starting to get a clearer picture of AIR 6 which is exciting.

There are also two new things coming next year! I started planning a new series a while back that features Vincent’s sister. The series is a trilogy, which I hope to write next year. I don’t think I can get the full series out next year, but I’m definitely shooting for it!
The next new thing is starting a Patreon account or something similar. Members of the Patreon would be eligible for different things, including content that will be released up to a year and a half before it’s released to the general public. I’m hoping this will allow me to get out from under Amazon’s exclusivity policies so I can publish on all platforms once again.
The new content for the Patrons includes regular installments of Gods Like Us. This series will take place in the same city that Vincent’s sister lives. It’s going to be fun piecing the two together.
This year was good, but next year is going to be amazing! I’m looking forward to all the new releases and new writing experiences. There isn’t enough time in the day to write all the stories in my head, but next year will at least put a small dent in the backlog of ideas!